Hacking into the Atlantis ILIO database

The content of a products database can tell you a lot about the inner working of that product. The Atlantis ILIO database stores the configuration and resource usage of the different components.

Watch out, we got a badass over hereSince I’m building an environment including Atlantis ILIO I thought it would be good to learn about the internals of it. Having to troubleshoot some configuration issues motivated me to see (and maybe change) the configuration. So I’m not a badass hacking the database for malicious reasons.

Atlantis ILIO center

Only the Atlantis ILIO center machine has a database, session- and replication hosts don’t. Atlantis ILIO center is the management machine that manages the Atlantis ILIO session- and replication hosts that do the actual “In-Line-Image-Optimization” work. 


The machine runs a MySQL server (version 5.1.63) with one database (or schema), called ibert. The ibert database has three users 1)

  • root
  • ibert
  • debian-sys-maint

    The (out-of-the-box or) default credentials of an Atlantis ILIO center machine is root/admin (username/password). The password of the root account (used for remote access via the management webpage) can easily be changed. There is no direct relation between the root user to gain access to the machine, and the root user of the ibert database. However the password of the root user in the ibert database is admin.


    Access the database locally

    Once you are connected to a console session (or via SSH) of the Atlantis ILIO center machine, gaining access to the ibert database is easy.

    root@ilio: ~# mysql -u root -p ibert
    Enter password: admin
    Reading table information for completion of table and column names
    You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 644
    Server version: 5.1.63-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (Ubuntu)
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
    affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


    Knowing that getting access to the database is that ease might got you to think “Wow! So everyone can access my ILIO database just like that?!”. Well, that’s not entirely true. The mysql daemon is configured to bind only the (or localhost) network, external networks are unable to (see or) connect to the mysql daemon.

    Also, access to the ibert database is restricted to the user root logging in from the host localhost.


    mysql> show grants;
    | Grants for root@localhost                                                                                                              |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    Access the database remotely

    If we want to connect to the Atlantis ILIO database from a remote machine (probably with a GUI like MySQL Workbench) we need to re-configure.


    First of all we need to enable the mysql daemon to bind to an external network. In the /etc/mysql/my.cnf file we need to change the bind-address from

    bind-address	=


    #bind-address	=

    Tip: nano is an easy editor that is installed by default (easier than vi)

    To propagate the changes the daemon needs to be restarted

    /etc/init.d/mysql restart



    Now you can connect to the mysql server you need the privileges to access the ibert database from a remote host.

    Although it would be possible to grant this privilege to the root account this implies a choice with two answers 1) use the default password admin and accept the consequences (insecure) or 2) change the password of the root user which results in breaking the system. Therefore its probably better to create a dedicated user for remote access with a more complex password.

    This is done with the following command where we add a user iliouser with the password iliopassword.

    CREATE USER 'iliouser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'iliopassword';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ibert. * TO 'iliouser'@'%';

    followed by another command to propagate the changes




    And now you’re able to connect to the Atlantis ILIO center database from a remote machine Glimlach

    Atlantis ILIO database


    Where can I use it for?

    So what kind of valuable information can we find in the database?

    Basically everything you can see on the Atlantis ILIO Center admin page is stored in the database. This includes the configuration but also health status, alerts and resource usage. Having access to the database enables you to retrieve this information and (if reaaaaallly necessary) to change the content.


    A good thing to start with is knowing what entities are. Each Atlantis ILIO session- or replication host is stored as a record in the [entities] table with a unique identifier (column id). The entity is used throughout the entire database to correlate the information with the machines.

    The [entities] database contains the following columns

    Name Type Description
    id int(10) The unique identifier of each entity (primary key)
    name varchar(128) The display name of the entity (the session- or replication host)
    euuid varchar(64) The GUID of the entity (not sure where it’s used)
    hv_id int(10) The ID of the object in the [hypervisor_objects] table
    ip_address varchar(24) The IPv4 address of the entity (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
    admin_user_name varchar(64) The name of the admin account
    ilio tinyiny(1) Is this an ILIO machine? 0 = No, 1 = Yes
    health smallint(5) 00000 = Disconnected, 00001 = Healthy (more info needed)
    last_ping_time datetime Time of last communication
    maintenance tinyint(1) Is the machine in maintenance mode? 0 = No, 1 = Yes
    ilio_version varchar(24) The version of Ilio on the machine (as stored in /etc/ilio/release-version).


    “Ilio- for an Atlantis ILIO 4 replication host

    Ilio-Diskless- for an Atlantis ILIO 4 session host

    os_version varchar(64) The OS version of the machine. Ubuntu_8.10 is used on Atlantis ILIO 4.
    num_cpu int(10) The total amount of processor cores
    memory bigint(20) The amount of memory in bytes
    swap_size bigint(20) The size of the swap file in bytes
    agent_version varchar(10) The version of the Atlantis ILIO center agent running on the machine (
    num_disks int(10) The amount of disks attached to the machine
    num_network_cards int(11) The amount of network cards attached to the machine
    configured tinyint(1) [NULL] Currently not used?
    deployed tinyint(1) Unsure what this value does (2)
    ssh_public_key blob [NULL] Currently not used?
    ssh_private_key blob [NULL] Currently not used?
    uptime varchar(255) A text representation of the period the system is (or has been) up.


    41 minutes

    1 day 10 minutes

    last_alert_timestamp datetime The time and date when the last alert was raised
    health_timestamp datetime The time and date when the health state was changed
    deployment_type varchar(50) The type of deployment used on this machine




    export_type varchar(50) The type of export used to expose the ILIO datastore




    function_type varchar(50) A more extensive of the deployment type


    ”DLN” for a session host (diskless node)

    ”PN” for a replication host (persistent node)

    configuration_file blob [NULL] Currently not used?



    Atlantis ILIO Center has a built-in notification feature (configured via Setup > Alerts). A warning notification (CPU >90% or disk / memory / load > 80% ) and an error alert (CPU > 95% or memory / disk / load >90%) can be delivered to email and/or SNMP traps. A good basic feature

    If you want more extensive information (on a per entity basis) to enhance the monitoring, or analyze trend. this can be retrieved from the database.  The following tables can be interesting:

    Table Content Used for
    alerts Contains all alerts raised per entity including the timestamp (date/time) and the message resource


    cpu_usage Contains the processor usage (in percent) for each entity.

    Information is refreshed every 10 minutes (see timestamp).



    disk_usage Contains the disk usage for each disk (or device) including disk usage, de-duplication rate, offload capacity and compression) for each entity.

    Information is refreshed every 10 minutes (see timestamp).



    iops Contains the IOPS for each entity including network reads/write and disk reads/writes

    Information is refreshed every 10 minutes (see timestamp).



    memory_usage Contains the memory usage for each entity storing the memory usage in bytes.

    Information is refreshed every 10 minutes (see timestamp).



    system_load Contains the system load for each entity for the last 1 minute, 5 minutes and 10 minutes. resource


    DailyCpuUsage Contains the average processor usage of each entity aggregated per day trend


    DailyDiskUsage Contains the average disk usage for each disk of each entity aggregated per day trend


    DailyIops Contains the average IOPS for each entity aggregated per day trend


    DailyMemoryUsage Contains the average memory usage for each entity aggregated per day trend


    SystemEvents Contains all informational events (as shown in Monitor > Events) information



    Getting an overview of the configuration can be useful, especially when the configuration is not working as expected or when manual cleanup activities are required.

    The following tables can be interesting:

    Table Content
    cluster Contains a record for each Session Cluster (new in ILIO 4) showing the internal clustername and the ID of the replication host (persistent_entity_id)
    clusterHealth Should show the health of the session cluster, but not sure how it is stored (info needed)
    Datastores Contains the datastores created by the Atlantis ILIO center machine for each entity including the ID of the hypervisor (from the [Hypervisors] table) and the name, address and path of the datastore
    diskless_info Contains the devicename + size of ramdisk  and if compression is enabled for each entity running ILIO diskless
    disks Contains the specifications (mount point, device, capacity, mount type and deduplication) of each disk per entity
    entities Contains a record for each Atlantis ILIO session- and replication hosts (as explained above)
    entitiesMapping Contains the mapping between the persistent entity (aka the replication host) and the diskless entity (aka the session host)
    entity_nic_info Contains the specification (ethx, ip, netmask, gateway and configtype) for each entity
    hypervisor_objects Contains the hypervisor objects (like group, datacenter, domain and VMs) related to the entities

    Only the topology of the Atlantis ILIO VMs is stored in the database

    Hypervisors Contains the specification of the registered hypervisor as specified in Setup > Hypervisor



    So yeah, if you could leave a comment if you have something to say. That would be greatIn this article I’ve shown how one can connect to the internal database of an Atlantis ILIO Center machine (called ibert), what information is stored in the database and how this might help you.

    If you have any questions or remarks don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. Especially if you have additional information about the content of the database, yeahh….that would great!

    Disclaimer: Changing the configuration of the machine and/or database could result in losing support from the vendor. I take no responsibility if you break the system and/or loose support.

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